> 春节2024 > 知道今天过年吗英语





今天是春节的第二天,妈妈带着我去了牢姥姥家,表弟也在那里。Today is the second day of the Spring Festival, my mother took me to my grandma\'s house, and my cousin was there.


春节是在什么时候呢?春节是在2月10日。When is the Spring Festival? The Spring Festival falls on February 10th. 祝你开心如意!Wish you a happy and prosperous year!


你上个星期看电视了吗?不,我没有。Did you watch TV programmes last week? No, I didn\'t. 他上个万圣节乔装打扮了吗?是的。Did he disguise himself on Halloween?


在英语中,春节可以用Spring Festival表示。比如,你可以说“The Spring Festival is drawing near”来表达春节快要到了。In English, the Spring Festival can be expressed as \"Spring Festival\". For example, you can say \"The Spring Festival is drawing near\" to indicate that the Spring Festival is approaching. 春节可以这样表示:Spring Festival。

你们过春节吗? 英语怎么说 - 177****1586 的回答

你们过春节吗?你们庆祝中国的新年吗?你们过春节吗?你们庆祝春节吗?要注意,在\"春节\"前面加上冠词\"The\"。Do you celebrate the Chinese New Year? Do you celebrate the Spring Festival? 要注意,在“春节”前要加冠词“The”。


在中国的春节假期中,会有许多活动,比如元宵节、灯笼节、放鞭炮等等。In the Chinese Spring Festival holidays, there will be many activities, such as the Lantern Festival, firecracker celebrations, etc. 在中国的春节假期里,会举行许多活动,比如元宵节、灯笼节、放鞭炮等等。


今天是春节,我回到了家乡过年。上午,我和全家人去了神庙祈福。Today is the Spring Festival, and I returned to my hometown to celebrate the New Year. In the morning, my whole family went to the temple to pray for blessings. 今天是春节,我回到了家乡过年。上午,我和全家人去了神庙祈祷。


你知道中国的春节吗?Do you know about the Chinese Spring Festival? 你知道中国的春节吗?Do you know about the Chinese Spring Festival? 你知道中国的春节吗?Do you know about the Chinese Spring Festival?


关于春节的英语短语有:The Spring Festival(春节)、Lunar New Year(农历新年)、Lantern Festival(元宵节)、firecracker celebrations(放鞭炮庆祝活动)等等。There are various English phrases related to the Spring Festival, such as \"The Spring Festival,\" \"Lunar New Year,\" \"Lantern Festival,\" \"firecracker celebrations,\" and so on. 关于春节的英语短语有很多,比如The Spring Festival(春节)、Lantern Festival(元宵节)、firecracker celebrations(放鞭炮庆祝活动)等等。


有关春节的单词包括:春节(The Spring Festival)、农历(lunar calendar)、正月(lunar January)等等。Some words related to the Spring Festival are: \"The Spring Festival,\" \"lunar calendar,\" \"lunar January,\" etc. 有关春节的单词包括:The Spring Festival、lunar calendar、lunar January等等。